Intravenous Sedation – How To Beat Dental Phobia

Dental TreatmentsSurgery Life
Dental TreatmentsSurgery Life

There are many terms used to classify the idea of a dental phobia. It can be known as dental fear, dental anxiety, dentist phobia, odontophobia, or dentophobia.

They all mean the same thing: an intense fear of visiting the dentist for dental treatment.

Just the thought of going to the dentist can cause anxiety to some people. 40% of the UK population have some form of anxiety of seeing the dentist with around 10% avoiding treatment altogether.

That’s a lot of people walking round with anxiety about seeing the dentist and possibly in need of treatment.

So what’s the solution?

Hypnotherapy is one possible solution, but if you’re suffering from dental pain it might not be a good choice plus it may only increase anxiety. However there is now an alternative option

Here at Will Murphy Dentistry we now offer Intravenous sedation.

Intravenous sedation is a safe way to stay relaxed and comfortable during dental treatment. Also known as conscious sedation, intravenous sedation will take you to the edge of sleep which removes your anxiety, allowing the dental treatment to be carried out in a relaxed state. Much like an operation in a hospital, the sedation is performed by an experienced sedationist, who’ll administer the sedation through a cannula in your arm or hand. Your sedation is monitored throughout your treatment and ensure that it’s at the correct level so it’s comfortable for both yourself and the dentist to work. So there’s no fear of suddenly ‘coming round’.

Intravenous sedation can be used with all treatments including dental implants. During the sedation you are able to carry out simple commands such as ‘open your mouth’ and ‘turn your head slightly’ instructions the dentist is most likely to give you. Dental treatment that may need to take a considerable amount of time to complete may only feel like a couple of minutes when under intravenous sedation.

Image having your dental treatment with no anxiety or having the smile you’ve always wanted.

A consultation with one of our dentists will see if this is the right treatment for you. We need to access the level of your anxiety and to ensure that you would benefit from having Intravenous sedation and what dental treatment is needed.

Some Do’s & Don’ts with IS

Before Treatment.

  1. Do, eat a light meal before coming to the surgery.
  2. Do, inform us if you have a blocked nose as during treatment we may need to give you oxygen.
  3. If you feel unwell we may have to delay treatment till you feel better.
  4. Do, Wear loose comfortable clothing, we will need to take your blood pressure during your treatment so we need to make sure we can put the cuff round your arm.
  5. Don’t, wear nail varnish, please remove it before coming to the surgery.
  6. Do bring someone with you who can look after you for a few hours after the treatment has finished. You’ll likely feel lightheaded.

After Treatment

  1. Do, have someone at home with you to look after you.
  2. Do, avoid stairs if possible.
  3. Do, follow any aftercare instructions we give you.
  4. Do, avoid responsibility until you feel 100%, so don’t have any meetings planned or make any decisions other than what to watch on TV.

Possible side affects, include nausea, bruising, lightheadedness and numb mouth. Intravenous sedation is a safe procedure which we are happy to offer here.

For more information on this or any other treatment we offer call the surgery on 0121 236-7630


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